Medical Assistant Program

Join The Fast-Growing Field- Medical Assistant Training Course

With the medical assistant training program, you can easily earn a decent salary package. The medical assistant profession is well-known and in-demand. According to BLS (Bureau Labor of Statistics), there is 23 percent of the growth in the medical assistant profession. This is the reason a number of people are enrolling in the certified medical assistant training in Brooklyn.

certified medical assistant

The certified medical assistant training course offers students to the field of clinical medical assisting and prepares them for the certification exam that is a requirement to become qualified. Topics covered include (but are not limited to) data collection and recording, measurement of vital signs, physical examinations, phlebotomy, and electrocardiography.

This training program prepares students to perform all the administration and clinical duties. The clinical skills and the administrative responsibilities are required in all the medical and healthcare office settings. Their work responsibilities may include a number of works such as- assisting the medical staff with the minor surgery, collecting the specimens for the testing purposes, performing an electrocardiogram, communicating with the patients and maintaining the reports of the patients, etc.

The duration of the course depends on the institute. Some of the courses require few weeks and such courses don’t offer a certification course. On the other hand, some medical assistant training courses are of seven to nine months. This provides a special certification that certifies an individual has all the knowledge and skills. The course is a perfect compression of practical as well as theoretical knowledge.

After completing a course and getting a certification, an individual has numerous job settings where he/she can apply for. For example- they can work as a

  • Medical Office Manager
  • Medical Assistant
  • Biller & Coder
  • Physical Therapy Assistant
  • EKG professional
  • Phlebotomist Technician
  • Laboratory Assistant

If you are looking for the certified medical assistant training in Brooklyn? Contact- Alliance Computing Solutions. Apart from the learning part, the institute offers 180 hours of internship. An internship gives a real-life experience of the duties and responsibilities. ACS institute offers the job assistants after completing the course free of cost.

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